Sunday, January 24, 2010

Two Must Have Ingredients for Internet Marketing Success

by James Colt

Two ingredients in two words; traffic and conversions.

Traffic to your blogs and websites and conversions for your
monetization methods.

I want to succeed using Google's fantastic tools and expertise,
so, what follows is very Googlecentric, i.e., designed to be used
with the Google Search Engine, Adsense, Adwords, Youtube,
Flickr, and whatever else Google uses to help online marketers.

Google wants everyone who does a search to get what they want.
One of the quickest paths to success lies on the way to happy
Google Search outcomes. If a search engine search gets the
seeker to the information sought, and that information is
on your blogs and websites, you have the basis for conversion
to a money making move by the seeker. Learn what the searchers
want and give it to them!

There are many steps in the process and lots to learn,
but taking shortcuts will not lead to long term internet
marketing success. Google likes whatever is straightforward
and genuine.

Your blogs and websites can make money with Adsense, affiliate
products, advertising, and sales of almost any product that can
mailed, shipped, or digitially zapped (like ebooks).

The seeker who lands on your blog or website must be satisfied
that they found what they are looking for. Happy seekers make
good customers. The happy seeker converts to a customer.
There's the definition of conversion. Another way of saying
it is that the targeted traffic to your site or blog found
what they were looking for and either clicked on an Adsense
ad or they actually bought what they sought.

For further clarification and guidance on these matters, i.e.,
matters of targeted traffic and conversions, check out my blog
on SEO (search engine optimization). Also, for another example
of a site that is set up to make money online,
check this squidoo lens out.

James Colt Introduction

Hello fellow bloggers. As of this writing,
the 24th of January 2010, I am a 62 year old
Personal Trainer (ACE).

My interests besides exercise, fitness, and training include
network marketing, internet marketing, blogging, attraction
marketing, Web 2.0, social networking, self help and self
development, and sports.

One of my greatest annoyances in life is political
correctness. One of my best ideas, I think, is
spiritual correctness. Spiritual correctness is
related to all of my interests listed above.
Many spiritual gurus recommend tithing - that is
giving ten percent of what you earn to a charity
that you have a special connection to. I am
practicing this with Squidoo. Squidoo allows
you to set up lenses (similar to blogs) to make
money for yourself and for charity at the same
time. There you have it - the linking of
internet marketing and spiritual correctness.

Note: Tithing is only a part of spiritual correctness,
albeit a very important part.